
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keyboard Shortcut Customisations for Ubuntu

Here's a handy way to setup shortcuts to common things - such as the Terminal, Nautilus (File Manager or 'Explorer'), email, browser, and so on...

Just install Compiz using the command:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Then open the manager using System > Preferences > CompizConfig...

Then click on 'commands'. Enter the desired command in one of the available fields (e.g. in Command line 0 i put 'nautilus') Then under the key bindings tab set it to 'Super - e' ('Super' means the Windows key on a standard keyboard). Save and close; and now Windows+E should give you the file explorer!

Any other commands can be added the same way. By default, Alt+F1 is for menu, Alt + Ctrl + t is for terminal, and so on...

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